How to Jailbreak iPod Touch, iPhone, or iPad

jailbreak iphone

In this article I will be telling you how to jailbreak your iPod touch, iPhone or iPad in these quick and easy steps.

There is a slight chance that your iDevice may break. If it does I take no responsibility whatsoever as this article was for educational purposes only.


Lower Firmware:
  • Follow the on screen instructions and your iDevice will be jail-broken in no time at all

Higher firmware

  • 1On your computer go onto your web browser and type in greenpois0n
  • 2Go to the official greenpois0n website and download the version for your iDevice firmware
  • 3Once downloaded and installed, open greenpois0n and follow the onscreen instructions, it may take a few tries but don't worry, you'll get there in the end
  • 4If you are following the steps correctly and still nothing is happening you have probably downloaded the wrong version or your computer/greenpois0n is having problems
  • 5If you manage to get it working then congratulations, you have successfully managed to jailbreak your iDevice


  • To downgrade your firmware so that you can use the first method simply plug in your iDevice to iTunes and downgrade it there
  • If your iDevice breaks, try plugging it into iTunes and resetting it.